Meet Patricia Clark, Astriid’s Head Candidate Coordinator

Patricia Clark Astriid

Patricia Clark, the Astriid Head Candidate Coordinator, is the person you want in your corner when you’ve hit a rough patch. Strong, resilient, and fun, Trish will never give up until her mission is accomplished. Here is her story, in her own words: Much of my adult life has mainly been taken up with teaching […]

Steps to maintaining a positive mindset when living with a chronic illness

positive mindset

Elin shares her experience with how to create a positive mindset when dealing with a chronic illness, to raise awareness, and help others who are in a similar situation. I’m Elin, a 21-year-old disability and lifestyle blogger, living with chronic illness; a vision impairment, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME. I write about living life as a […]

Coping with feeling overwhelmed as a chronically ill worker

chronically ill worker

When you have a chronic illness, managing your workload isn’t just about figuring out what you have to do and when you’re going to do it. Keeping on top of your work as a chronically ill worker often requires a careful balance, with plenty of attention paid to managing your symptoms and pacing yourself appropriately. […]

Simon Short

Simon Short

  Simon Short, would you like to introduce yourself and share a little about your background?   My name is Simon Short. I joined the Royal Navy at the age of 18 as a Weapon Engineer Officer; I served for 15 years whilst also completing my Engineering Degree and a Masters in Electronic Communications. On leaving […]

Libby Denchfield

Libby Denchfield

  Libby, would you like to introduce yourself and share a bit about your background?   My name is Libby Denchfield and I recently joined Astriid‘s team of Trustees as Treasurer. My normal ‘day job’ is working for Standard Chartered (SCB), a bank that helps to offer financial services to emerging markets and developing countries, […]

Job Interview Survival Guide

Planning and Preparation Think about any reasonable adjustments you might need during the interview, and request these as early as you can. You might benefit from participating remotely via video call, or from being located in an accessible ground-floor room with no stairs to contend with. Don’t be afraid of requesting a time slot that […]

Interview Types

Face-to-face This is the traditional interview. It gives the most rounded view of the individual, their likes, skills, and attributes. It also can place them in a work setting to see how they adapt. However, due to social distancing face-to-face interviews may soon be in the minority. Phone call This type of interview can be […]

Identifying Your Transferable Skills

Time Management Often, people with chronic illnesses have to be proactive in planning how they use their time. We may have to structure activities around our ‘good’ and ‘bad’ spells during the working day or week, and ensure we have a sufficient balance between productivity and rest. As such, we’re well equipped to show initiative […]

Tips for Writing A CV

CV writing

Take some time to ‘brain-dump’ before you start crafting your CV Write down any and every job role or work experience placement you’ve had, all of your skills and assets, anything at all that could be worthwhile including. By having all of this information noted down in front of you, you’ll be able to focus […]

Interview Tips

Ask yourself questions Prior to the interview, interview yourself. Ask yourself why you feel you would be perfect for this role, what makes you different from the other candidates and how you would make a significant difference to their workforce. Perhaps write down your answers to memorise or at least make note of a few […]