Making Employment Work For People With Long-Term Conditions – Astriid Report

There are over 2.5 million individuals in the UK who are excluded from employment due to long-term conditions, with 40% of the workforce predicted to develop such health conditions during their working lives. The disability employment gap and rise in health-related economic inactivity have been widely reported, yet there is a significant lack of consultation with the very individuals most impacted.

Astriid’s new research report, Making Employment Work for People with Long-Term Conditions, centres the growing number of people managing an Energy Limiting Condition (ELC), such as Long Covid, Fibromyalgia, autoimmune conditions, and many more. In doing so, it shines a light on the reasons why this disparity exists, and the real people and their lived experiences behind the statistics. Scroll down this page to find the full report, and visit Astriid’s YouTube channel to watch our launch video!

Research Findings

This report reveals unique health-related and social barriers that disadvantage people with long-term conditions in the world of work. Key findings include:

  • 92% of survey respondents believe they have skills that could be of value to an employer if a suitable job were available.
  • 98% reported that fatigue and/or limited energy from their disability reduced their ability to work, and 89% from fluctuating symptoms.
  • 89% sought an introduction to employers who understand long term conditions.
  • 75% sought jobs that specifically mention flexibility over working hours and location in the job advert.
  • 48% said they left their previous job because the working conditions caused their health to deteriorate.

Alongside this, the report includes evidence-based solutions from the frontline of our mission as an organisation – matching skilled people with long-term conditions, who wish to work, with meaningful employment opportunities. Recommendations include:

  • Rethinking employment support services, by offering bespoke job brokering and job matching. These services should be designed and led by people with lived experience of long-term conditions.
  • Action from employers to increase job opportunities, including more roles with reduced hours and remote working. These adjustments should be clearly stated in job advertisements.
  • Implementing effective workplace adjustments. This can include (but is not limited to) creating spaces in physical premises for essential rest breaks and sickness absence policies that allow for medical appointments and treatment.

Astriid’s Mission

Astriid is a non-profit organisation, run by Experts By Experience in long-term conditions at work. We offer tailored support to and create targeted resources for skilled people who are seeking work alongside managing such conditions, and advocate for greater inclusion in the workplace.

Through Astriid Consulting, we also partner with businesses, employers, and organisations to equip them to attract, empower, and retain skilled people with long-term conditions in the workforce. Find out more about our bespoke services and get in touch via the Astriid Consulting website.

Our full report, Making Employment Work For People With Long-Term Conditions is now available to download and read online.

If you found this report helpful, you may also be interested in our previous report, Employment and Long-Term Illness: The Invisible Talent Pool.

You can find plenty more from Astriid on our website, social media platforms and on our YouTube channel. You can also sign up to our newsletter to receive free tips and resources on inclusive recruitment, flexible working, and plenty more!

Access the full report here: